Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Almond Hummos

I invented this hummos because Gavin's allergic to sesame, and I just couldn't give hummos up! This is about a quart or so of hummos -- enough for us to munch on for days, or a great potluck dish or party dish. It gets better in following days.

juice of two large lemons
1t salt
4-6 garlic cloves, to taste and size

1C (scant) almond butter
1/4C olive oil or more

36 oz of canned garbanzo/chickpeas

Whiz lemon juice, salt, and garlic in food processor, using the spatula to get the garlic down near the blades and rewhizzing at least once. No big chunks!

Add almond butter, whiz, and drizzle in the olive oil until the almond butter flows and is a bit creamy, rather than chunking. Depending on the almond butter, this can take a little or a lot!

Add chickpeas, whiz until smooth.

Wasn't that easy? Serve with warmed pita bread, cut in wedges of sixths after warming so the edges don't get dried out. (I warm the pita for about 10 minutes at 300 degrees, I think...)


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